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User Interface in LINEAR CAD Browser

Explains the concept of the user interface in LINEAR CAD Browser.

Basic information about individual components and concepts of the LINEAR CAD Browser user interface.

Product Browser

Product Browser Linear CAD Browser
  1. Toolbar

    The toolbar provides access to frequently used commands. Click on the main menu to open a menu with basic commands such as Save, Print or Export Material List. The available commands may vary depending on the context.

  2. Navigation area

    In the navigation area, you can switch between the Product Browser and the Material Compilation of the LINEAR CAD Browser.

  3. Tree Structure

    In the tree structure you will find an alphabetically sorted list of all installed manufacturer datasets. You can search manufacturer data sets for specific components or terms using the Search function.

  4. Output window

    The output window shows the respective content of the currently selected level in the tree structure. At the top level of the tree structure, the manufacturer catalogs are displayed in tiles.

Material Compilation

  1. Tree Structure

    Products added to the material compilation are displayed here sorted alphabetically by manufacturer. A click on the subcategories displays the components contained in them in tabular form.

  2. Output window

    At the top level, you can define basic settings for the material compilation. Depending on the selected level in the tree structure, the added components are displayed in a table.