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Creating Tichelmann Circuits

Shows step-by-step how to create Tichelmann circuits.

Before you begin

You would like to use Tichelmann circuits to construct a hydraulically balanced system with the lowest possible resistance.


If you do not want to connect the Tichelmann circuits in LINEAR Building to a defined manifold, but to connect these only in the pipe network calculation, you have to connect the Tichelmann circuits to the Direct heating circuit connection to the pipe run! (without material/no pressure loss) connect. You can set this system-dependent connection in the Select a Manifold Cabinet Set dialog.

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Module OverviewRadiant Heating/Radiant CoolingPipe Run View

Radiant Heating Pipe Run View Linear Building


  1. Expand the view of the manifold on which you want to create a Tichelmann circuit.

    Radiant Heating Pipe Run View Linear Building

  2. Click the button beneath the manifold.

    The Component or Component Group dialog opens.

    Component component group dialog Linear Building

  3. Select Tichelmann Connection, specify the Number and Name if necessary and click OK.

    The Tichelmann connection appears in the Pipe Run View.

    Radiant Heating Pipe Run View Linear Building

  4. Use Drag-and-Drop to assign the desired circuit or circuits zones to the Tichelmann connection.


The Tichelmann circuit is created.

Radiant Heating Pipe Run View Linear Building

What to do next

You can now open the Tichelmann Connection section by selecting the Tichelmann connection in the Pipe Run View and enter all the information required for the pressure loss calculation there.