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Defining Blind Areas

Shows step-by-step how to define a blind area in a room.

Before you begin

You want to define a blind area in a room.

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Module OverviewRadiant Heating/Radiant CoolingRoom Level

Applies to: Radiant Heating, Radiant Cooling

Radiant Heating Dimensioning Room Linear Building


  1. Click in an empty line in the table. (Alternatively, you can also click Dimension New Heating/Cooling Circuits in the symbol bar or press F5 in the table).

    The following context menu opens:

  2. Select Blind Area.

    A line is added to the table for the blind area, which is marked with BF in the column Code.

  3. Indicate the dimensions of the blind area in the column A’ m².


The blind area is defined and the area of the circuit zone has been recalculated based on the now smaller design area.

Radiant Heating Room Linear Building