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Details on Selecting a System Element

Information on the Select System Element dialog.

Lists the systems for preselection and allows a system to be selected.


Open the dialog by double-clicking in the corresponding field of the System or System Pipe Run Manifold (Port) column, with the button in the field itself or with F8 in the marked line.

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Module OverviewRadiant Heating/Radiant CoolingStructural Level (Building Structure)Optimization/Storey Overview + Quick Lay-Out/Overview of Apartment or Area + Quick Lay-Out/Radiant Heating/Radiant Cooling(Column System/Column System Pipe Run Manif. Port) ...

Dialog Select System Element Linear Building

System Preselection The button opens the System Preselection dialog, where you can add further systems, edit the systems for preselection and remove systems from preselection.