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Details on Pipe Run View

Information on the Pipe Run View section.

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Module OverviewModule SelectionPipe Run View

Applies to: Radiators, cooling Convectors, Radiant Heating, Radiant Cooling and Domestic Ventilation.

Pipe run view Linear Building

Pipe run view

All heat/cooling generators or central units, pipe runs, manifolds, manifold connections, Tichelmann connections if applicable, radiators, cooling convectors, circuit zones of radiant heating and cooling and their feed pipes, dummy covers as well as connection options for electrical appliances are shown. You can add new components or component groups and move these simply by dragging and dropping. The selection of parts and part groups you can add depends on the level of the button in the pipe run view. A right mouse click opens the context menu that allows you to cut, copy, paste and delete elements. The pipe run view is only available if one of the modules Radiators, Cooling Convectors, Radiant Heating, Radiant Cooling or Ventilation is activated.

Table 1. Symbols of the Pipe Run View




Heat/Cooling Generators

Add new component or component group

Pipe Run

One-Pipe Run


Manifold Port

Tichelmann Connector

Feed Pipe

Heat-/Cooling Circuit

Occupied Zone


Electric Appliances

Central Ventilation Device

Supply Air

Extract Air

Dummy Cover

Radiant Heating and Cooling Pipe Run View

In the radiant heating and cooling modules, the hydraulic arrangement of the individual circuit zones is shown and, if applicable, the feed pipes of the circuits to the manifold connections or Tichelmann connections. For circuits with multiple circuit zones, you can also connect the zones in series or integrated in parallel.

If several Tichelmann connections are available, they can be connected in series using drag-and-drop. To do this, grab the desired connection with the mouse and drag it to the Tichelmann connection that is to be connected upstream.

Integrated series circuit

Integrated parallel circuit

Radiant Heating Dimensioning Room Linear Building

Radiant Heating Dimensioning Room Linear Building