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Details on Room View

Information on the Room View in Radiant Heating and Cooling.

In the room view you can design, control and adjust the exact layout of a selected room.

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Module OverviewRadiant Heating/Radiant CoolingRoom Level

Radiant Heating dimensioning Linear Building

Room view

The room number, the room name and the room temperature are displayed. The specifications can be adjust here. The Exterior and Interior fields show the exterior or interior clear dimensions of the room. An adjustment of the dimensions can be carried out in the Room data dialog.

: Opens the dialog Room Data, which allows to adjust the parameter of the room.

Design Data

Revised load Phi*

Indicates the revised heating or cooling load of the room. The value can be adjusted here.

: Opens the dialog Approximate Heat Loador Approximate Cooling Load, in which the approximate load can be calculated based on the room area.

Phi-Current Radiator, Phi -Current Other

The display field shows the capacity of existing radiators in case of radiant heating, and the capacity of other cooling systems of the room in case of radiant cooling.

Phi-Target Radiant Heating and Cooling

Indicates the required heating or cooling load of the room. If you would like to consider the rooms radiators or cooling convectors for the calculation, this value may differ from Phi*. The value can be adjusted here.

Phi-actual Radiant Heating and Cooling

The display field shows the capacity of all radiant heating or cooling systems existing in the room.


The display field shows the shortage or surplus of the heat or cooling load of the room.

Room Thermostat

Global Setting

Enabled: The room is assigned to the globally defined room thermostat, which is shown in the field below. If no controller is displayed in the field, no global control has been defined yet or an single room control system has been selected that does not include a room thermostat. Control components are defined in the Control area, which can be called up in the Pipe Run View.

Disabled: The definition of the room is not done after the global setting and it can be opened with the button the Select a single room closed-loop control system dialog. In this dialog, an individual control can be assigned to the room. The selection of the components of the dialog depends on the manufacturer or system.

View Options...

View Options...: Opens the context menu to define the displayed elements in the table of room components. The following Views are possible.

  • Show used room components only

    Displays only room components that are assigned with panel systems.

  • Show detailed circle connections

    Displays the data of the entire supply line and the corresponding distributor of the circuits.


    Supply lines laying in other rooms are also displayed. This saves you from having to switch to the pipe run view.

Table of Room Components

The individual table columns of the component entry are explained below. During dimensioning, two different elements are created in the table: The component covered with the selected panel system (floor, ceiling or wall) and the heating or cooling circuit itself (as an occupied zone, border, feed pipe zone or blind area). Which element is available is indicated by the entry in the table column Code Typeto recognize.





Indicates whether a room component is designed with a panel system. Designed components can be recognized by the marking . With a Click, the design of the system in the component can be deactivated or activated at any time.

By setting the checkmark, an adjusted heat or cooling load is determined for the room.

For floors, the calculation of the revised heat or cooling load is performed automatically before the dimensioning.

In the case of wall surface systems, the surfaces to be allocated should first be defined here and provided with a checkmark in order to determine the revised heat or cooling load. Only then the dimensioning of the individual surfaces should take place. For wall surface systems, it is assumed that not the entire wall surface is allocated.


Removing the checkmark deletes zones that have already been designed after a safety query.


Circuit Number

Indicates the numbering of the heating or cooling circuits of the room. Feed pipes of the circuits get the same number as the circuit.

Code Type

Abbreviation or Type

Displays the abbreviation of the room component or the zone type of the radiant heating and cooling system.

Room components

Define room components, which surfaces are to be allocated with systems. The meanings of the abbreviations used are as follows.

  • FL = Floor

  • EWA = Exterior Wall

  • IWA = Interior Walls

  • RF = Roof

  • CL = Ceilings

If no heat or cooling load calculation is available, the appropriate room components still have to be defined first. A Click into the field or F5 opens the context menu to define the type of component. The selection options of the room components are system-dependent and refer to all systems in the System Preselection.

Further room components can be added by a Click into a free line of the table or with F5.

Panel systems

Surfaces can be assigned different surface types. Abbreviations for the possible surface types are as follows.

  • O = Occupied Zone or Heating/Cooling Circuit

  • B = Border Zone

  • IB = integrated Border Zone

  • F = Feed Pipe Zone

  • ZD = Insulated Feed Pipe Zone

  • BA = Blank Area

There has to be at least one room component in the table to assign a a surface type to it. A Click in a blank line of the table or F5 opens the context menu to assign the surface type. If there are several components in the table, the component to which a type should be assigned has to be selected first.

System Pipe run manifold (port)

System Used, Pipe Run Number, Distributor Number

Indicates the system used for room components and for occupied, border and feed pipe zones the pipe run and manifold number as well as the manifold connection.

Room components

Indicates the system used by means of the abbreviation from the system preselection. If the mouse pointer is positioned over the field, the tooltip shows the system used.

A Double click, F8 or the button opens the Select a System Element dialog, where another system can be selected out of the system preselection.

Zones of systems

Indicates the pipe run number, manifold number, and manifold connection for occupied, border, and feed pipe zones.

A Double click, F8 or the button opens the Select a Pipe Run or Manifold dialog, where another pipe run or manifold can be selected out created.


Orientation, Laying Pattern

Indicates the orientation of the room component or the laying pattern of the heating or cooling zone.

Room components

The orientation of the room component is taken from the heat or cooling load and can only be changed there. Abbreviations used are H for horizontal for floors, ceilings and roofs, in addition to the abbreviations for the orientation ( N, E, S, W, NE, NW, SE, SW).

Heating and cooling zones

Displays the laying pattern of the heating or cooling area. Modifications of the laying procedure are system-dependent. Possible laying procedures are:

  • M = Meander

  • DM = Double meander


    Drawing of heating and cooling zones with a double-meander laying pattern is currently only available in connection with ACAD.

  • S = Spiral

In systems with a selection of laying patterns, a double-click, F8 or the button opens a context menu in which the laying system can be modified.

R surf.

Heat Conduct Resistances of the Surface

The R-value of the surface is only displayed for room components.

By default, DIN is suggested as heat conduct resistance. This corresponds to an R-value of 0.10 m²K/W.

A double click, F8 or the button opens the dialog R-Values, where another R-Value for the surface can be selected or new variables can be created.

R insu.

Insulation Option to the Outside (with Heat Conduct Resistance to the Outside)

It indicates the proposed or selected insulation option to the adjacent room of the panel system. The insulation option is only displayed for room components.

A double click into the field, F8 or the button opens the dialog Select insulation variant, in which other insulation variants and options can be selected depending on the system.


Adjoining Temperature

The Adjoining temperature is only displayed for room components. It depends on the insulation variant or option and can be manually modified.



Specifies the width of the room component or circuit zone. If the components have already been entered for determining the heat or cooling load, the width and length are automatically adopted when dimensioning a floor system. For wall surfaces, it is assumed that not all of the wall surface will be occupied by heating or cooling modules. The width therefore still has to be entered here.

With F9, the dimension for floor systems can be measured directly from the CAD program.


For feed pipes, var is entered for variable width. Depending on the laying distance, the corresponding width is used internally.


Height or Length

Specifies the height (for walls) or length (for floors and ceilings) of the room component or circuit zone If the components have already been entered for determining the heat or cooling load, the width and length are automatically adopted when dimensioning a floor heating or cooling. For wall surfaces, the room height is automatically applied as a suggestion. Since it is assumed that not all of the wall area will be occupied by heating or cooling modules, the height may have to be adjusted.

With F9, the dimension for floor systems can be measured directly from the CAD program.


Total Area of the Room Component or Heating/Cooling Zone

Specifies the defined area of the room component or heating or cooling circuits.

With F9, the dimension can be measured directly from the CAD program.

Portion Phi W

Share of the Required Capacity

Specifies the total capacity required for room components. Suggested values can be taken from the heat or cooling load calculation or from the room template.

For feed pipes, the percentage of the capacity output of the feed pipe is specified. The consideration of additional insulation and covers, which reduce the capacity output, is possible by manual adjustment. If the portion is manually modified, the identification of the feed pipe (Kz. Type) in ZD changed.


Laying Spacing

Indicates for room components whether the system has been optimally dimensioned for the heating case f.heating or the cooling casef.cooling.

For heating or cooling circuits, the optimum laying spacing is specified from the possible laying spacings. The selection of possible laying spacings depends on the system. The definitions of minimum and maximum laying spacing from the system parameters are also taken into account. For modular systems (e.g. for wall heating systems), no laying spacing is usually entered.

A double click into the field, F8 or the button opens the context menu where other laying spacings can be selected.

Diff. temp.

Differential Temperature

Indicates the actual temperature difference between supply and return. The differential temperature is calculated from the required capacity.

In case of low required capacities, it may happen that a very low return temperature (minimum = room temperature) and therefore a relatively large differential temperature will occur. The differential temperature is used to compensate overcapacity caused by the maximum laying spacing in combination with the specified minimum differential temperature.


For special applications, the differential temperature can be individually adjusted.

However, we do not recommend this procedure, as it leads to an unreproducible total result if several zones are interconnected (even at a later stage at the manifold) or if they are connected to a feed pipe.

We therefore recommend adjusting the differential temperature by modifying the capacity requirement.


Pressure Loss of Heating/Cooling Circuit

The display field indicates the pressure loss of the circular zone.

Pipe len.

Pipe Length

The display field shows the total circuit length including feed pipe (left) and the pipe length of the circuit zone (right).


Mass Flow Rate

The display field indicates the mass flow rate of the circular zone.


Surface Temperature of the Zone

The display field indicates the surface temperature of the component of the circular zone that is being set.

Phi ext.

Heat/Cooling Losses of the Room

The display field indicates the loss of heating or cooling capacity delivered to the outside (via floor, wall or ceiling) for circular zones.

Phi int.

Heat/Cooling Capacity of the Room

The display field indicates the heating or cooling capacity delivered to the inside of the room (via the floor, wall or ceiling) in the case of circular zones.

Opens a drop-down list that allows to specify which columns of the table are displayed.