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Details on Storey Overview + Quick Lay-Out/Overview of Apartment + Quick Lay-Out

Information on the Storey Overview + Quick Lay-Out and Overview of Apartment + Quick Lay-Outsections.

Allows you to design all or several rooms of the apartment selected in the Building Structure. The dimensioning of the circuits is carried out according to the determined heat or cooling load values for the rooms.

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Module OverviewRadiant Heating/Radiant CoolingStorey Level/Apartment or Area LevelStorey Overview + Quick Dimensioning/Apartment or Area Overview+ Quick Dimensioning

Radiant Heating area floor overview + quick design - LINEAR Building

Storey Overview + Quick Lay-Out/Overview of Apartment + Quick Lay-Out

The number and name of the building structure level can be changed and the storey and parapet height are displayed. The button opens the Storey Data dialog on storey levels, in which the storey and parapet height can be adjusted, among other things. On residential and area levels, the Data for: (...) dialog opens, in which you can change the number and name as well as the short name of the level.

Quick dimensioning

Enabled: Allows quick dimensioning of the rooms listed in the table. You can dimension single rooms with a Click in the fields of column A or all rooms of the table with the button Redimension in the symbol bar in only one work step.

The quick dimensioning is initially deactivated in a new project.

By clicking you have the possibility to copy the contents of the table with or without column heading and paste it into Excel.

If you have selected individual rows or cells, you can copy the selected data with the key combinations Ctrl+C (with column heading) or Ctrl+Shift+C (without column heading) and paste it into Excel, for example.

Room Table

Lists the rooms of the storey or apartment selected in the building structure and their parameters required for quick dimensioning.

Table 1. Column description of the table




If the Quick dimensioning is activated, you can dimension the individual rooms with a Click into fields of the column. Dimensioned rooms are indicated by a checkmark. If you remove the checkmark, the design will be undone and, if there is an existing connection to the CAD program, you will have the option of deleting elements that have already been transferred to the program.

Room name

Specifies the name of the room.


Defines the clear width of the room.

Double clicking in the field or pressing F8 opens the Room Measurements dialog, in which the dimensions of the room can be adjusted in detail.

With F9 the dimension can be tapped from the CAD program if the connection to the CAD program is activated.


Defines the clear length of the room.

Double clicking in the field or pressing F8 opens the Room Measurements dialog, in which the dimensions of the room can be adjusted in detail.

With F9 the dimension can be tapped from the CAD program if the connection to the CAD program is activated.


Defines the clear area of the room.

With F9 the dimension can be tapped from the CAD program if the connection to the CAD program is activated.


Specifies the required capacity of the room.

Proposed values come from the heat or cooling load calculation or from the Approximate heat load/Approximate cooling load field of the room template.

Double-clicking, F8 or the button opens the Approximate Heat Load/Approximate Cooling Load dialog, in which the approximate load can be calculated in relation to the room area.


Specifies the system selected for the room.

The abbreviation of the System Preselection is used. The tooltip shows the exact name of the system.

A Double click, pressing F8 or clicking opens the Select a System Element dialog, in which other system can be selected from the system preselection.

Pipe run/Manifold

Indicates the pipe run and manifold number in the case of occupied zones, border zones and feed pipes.

A Double click, pressing F8 or clicking opens the Select Pipe Run or Manifold dialog, where the assignment of the pipe run and manifold can be edited.

R Surf.

Indicates the thermal conductivity of the surface (R-value). b

By default, DIN is suggested as heat conduct resistance. This corresponds to an R-value of 0.10 m²K/W.

A double click, pressing F8 or clicking opens the dialog R-Values, where other R-Value can be assigned and new variables can be created.

R insu.

Indicates the thermal conductivity of the insulation option to the adjacent room of the panel system.

A double click into the field, pressing F8 or clicking opens the Select Insulation Variant dialog, in which other insulation variants and options can be selected depending on the system.


Indicates the inside temperature of the room.

A double click, pressing F8 or clicking opens the dialog Temperatures, where other temperature variables can be selected and new temperature variables can be created.

Direct entry of a numerical value into the field is also possible.


Indicates the adjoining temperature of the floor area.

A double click, pressing F8 or clicking opens the dialog Temperatures, where other temperature variables can be selected and new temperature variables can be created.

Direct entry of a numerical value into the field is also possible.


Shows the area of the occupied zone. This is calculated from the clear room dimensions minus any existing border zones.

With F9 the dimension can be tapped from the CAD program if the connection to the CAD program is activated.

Bord. zones

Indicates the border zones of the room.

With F9 the dimension can be tapped from the CAD program if the connection to the CAD program is activated.

Con. L.

Defines the sum of the connection lengths ( supply + return) per heating or cooling circuit from the room inlet to the manifold and allows you to take additional connection lengths into account.

An additional connection length is, for example, the last piece of the feed pipe from the floor up to the manifold port. Enter the sum of the additional connection lengths of the supply and return pipes. Additional connection lengths are taken into account in the material list and for hydraulic balancing. The capacity output of additional connection lengths is not taken into account due to the lack of spatial classification and the undefined laying spacing.

If there are several circuits in a room, each circuit in the room is given the entered connection length. You can see this in the Conn. length column in the section of the respective heating or cooling manifold (pipe run viewSelect manifoldPanel Heating / Cooling tab). If the connection lengths of the circuits in a room vary, the value -1.00 is displayed in the Conn. L field.

Phi actual

Displays the actual capacity released in the room.

Phi residual

Displays the capacity still required in the room. If the field is empty, there is no difference between Phi Target W and Phi current W.