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Details on Item Selection

Information about the Item Selection dialog.

Dialog for selecting individual items of the assortment of the system manufacturer. The items are located in tabs divided by product groups. A selected item is added to the item table of the Select a Manifold Cabinet Set dialog. The selection of items and product groups depends on the manufacturer and varies.

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Search for:

Field to enter search terms.

: Carries out the search and switches to the next search result. Alternatively, you can also press Enter or Return to take you to the next search result.

Search in all product groups

Enabled: The search is performed in all stored product groups of the manufacturer.

Disabled: The search is performed only in the currently selected product group.

Search whole word only

Allows you to search for items that exactly match the search term. Item names that correspond only partially with the search term are not displayed.

Case sensitivity

Allows you to search for items that exactly match the upper and lower case entered.

Search direction: up

Defines the lists to be searched from bottom to top.

Search direction: down

Defines the lists to be searched from top to bottom.