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Details on Set Parameters

Information about the dialog Set parameters in the Component lists.

The dialog Set parameters is used both when creating new parameters and when editing existing parameters. Depending on the type of parameters, the setting options vary. For certain parameters, such as the Analyse parameters, no adjustments are possible and the dialog is not accessible.

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Dialog Set parameters in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD


Sets the name of the parameter when creating new parameters. When editing already existing parameters, you may not be able to adjust the name. If you are working with parameters that get their values from variables, the field will show you the variable used.


Allows you to assign a unit to a parameter. Click to select a unit. The assigned unit is then displayed to the left of the button.


Defines whether the parameter values are assigned per component or per component class.

per component: You can assign an individual parameter value to each component of a component class.

per component class: You cannot assign individual parameter values to the individual components within a component class.

If you switch to per component class when editing existing parameters, you can specify in a subsequent query for which components the parameter change is to be made.