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Details on LINEAR DXF Converter

Information about the LINEAR DXF converter dialog on the Edit tab.

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Edit DXF converter...

With the data exchange format DXF, you can continue working on drawings that were not created with LINEAR or the CAD program in LINEAR and in the CAD program.

Suppose you always receive the dxf drawings from a certain architecture office with the organization of layers, colors, line types, etc. that is not suitable for your system. Then you have to make a number of manual adjustments in each drawing file, such as importing the dxf, regrouping or renaming layers, reassigning colors, reassigning line types or renaming text styles.

In case of large construction projects with many individual drawings, in which frequently changed floor plans also have to be re analysed during the planning phase, this represents an amount of work that should not be underestimated. The LINEAR DXF converter was developed exactly for this purpose. Thus, the LINEAR DXF converter provides you with a practical tool for automatically adapting multiple DXF files to color schemes, layer names, etc. that you have created by yourself.

File list

For saving and loading the file list.

Parameter file

To create the parameter file from the current opened drawing and to edit parameters.

DXF files

Use the button to select the source and the target files in dfx format. Use the convert button to transfer the previously set parameters from the source file to the destination file.

Source, Target

Use the Insert button to add drawing files selected above to the list. Use the button Remove to delete the selected file pair from the list. The Convert list button converts all drawing files contained in the list.