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Details on Product Data

Information about the dialog Product data in the pipe network calculations Heating, Cooling, Potable water, Waste water and Gas.

The manufacturer you select under Product data is available for the selection of pipe and connection materials.

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AssistantsTrade / Drawing typeCalculationProduct data

Applies to: Heating, Cooling, Potable water, Waste water, Gas.

Global Manufacturer

After selecting a manufacturer under Product data the pipe systems of this manufacturer are available additionally to the neutral pipe systems in the pipe tables. In the heating, cooling and potable water trade you can assign connection material of the manufacturer via the Components section. You can use only one manufacturer pipe system within a project.


Manufacturers are only available if your program version allows it and the product data has been installed and licensed on your system.

The manufacturer you selected under Product Data will then be available in the pipe tables next to the user-defined materials.

If you would like to assign a different manufacturer to a pipe network at a later time, make sure that you activated the Detect material with every calculation checkbox on the General tab in the Settings dialog. This is the only way to change the materials once assigned and calculated later.

System accessories

For each system in the project, you can add accessory material from Manufact. using the System accessories button. The system accessories appear in the material lists.

In the Potable water trade, no system accessories can be added.

Product standards

If the selected manufacturer provides connection sets in the heating or cooling trade, you can view them here and expand them with additional material from the manufacturer's catalog.

No Product standards are available in the gas trade.


Connecting Set

Heating, Cooling.

Radiator connections

Connecting manifolds and cabinets

Potable Water

Connecting sets

Manifold sets

Waste Water

Connecting sets