Details on Global Presettings for Multisupplier Dwelling Stations
Information about the dialog for Global presettings for multisupplier dwelling stations in the Heating Pipe Network Calculation.
In the dialog Dwelling station use the function Global presettings to specify settings for all manufacturer neutral dwelling stations in your project. These data can be changed in the technical data dialog of individual dwelling stations.
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Requirement Potable water
Temperature (cold): The cold water temperature of the connected apartment.
Temperature (hot): The hot water temperature of the connected apartment.
Tap rate: The peak demand of the hot water demand. The standard value of 15 l/min corresponds to two consumers that are tapped simultaneously, a bathtub and a shower, e. g. Normal are around 12–17 l/min.
Heat capacity: The heat capacity is calculated and initially assigned to all manufacturer neutral dwelling stations in the drawing. These values can be edited in the technical data dialog of individual dwelling stations.
Technical data
Supply water temperature: The supply temperature for potable water heating. The supply water temperature must not be higher than that of the heat generator. It should not exceed 65 °C in order to avoid calcification of the heat exchangers.
Return water temperature: The Return water temperature for potable water heating. Return water temperature in a dwelling station is lower than return water temperature in the heat generator due to additionally being reduced by heating potable water.
Differential pressure closed-loop controller: The pressure loss of the differential pressure closed-loop controller which is included in the dwelling station component. If the differential pressure closed-loop controller is installed externally, set the value to zero here and enter the pressure loss in the technical data of the differential pressure closed-loop controller.
Pressure loss, kv-value: Manually entered pressure loss or Kv value of the dwelling station.
Volume: Water volume dwelling stations and will be used to calculate the system volume and for dimensioning the diaphragm type expansion tank. If no water volume is entered, a note will be issued in the dialog Edit reports. This only occurs with a diaphragm expansion tank installed.