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Details on Technical Data for Filter

Information on the technical data dialog for Filter.

Depending on the program version, you can choose between neutral and manufacturer filters.

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AssistantsPotable water / Drawing typeCalculationCalculationComponentsTechnical data <Component selection


Specifies the name of the component. You can modify the name. Clicking restores the default setting.

Neutral filter

Automatic determination of nominal volume flow rate: When this option is set active, the nominal volume flow rate will be automatically determined by the program. Once the automatic determination is set inactive, there are two options available to enter data pertaining to the filter. First, you may enter a value pair for the Nominal volume flow and the Nominal pressure loss to describe the characteristic curve of the filter. The resulting kv-value is output. As a second option, you may enter the cv-value directly: Activate the option enter cv. The nominal volume flow input field will then change to cv-value and may be edited accordingly. The cv-value always refers to a nominal pressure loss of 1000 hPa. This explains why the nominal pressure loss cannot be edited.

Manufacturer filter

Once you have previously defined the filter as a specific manufacturer filter using the Classify < command, the corresponding data will be displayed here. For the time being, the filter will be dimensioned automatically. Yet, you have the additional option to select the filter manually.