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Details on Link IFC Architecture

Information about the dialog Link IFC Architecture in the IFC Building Manager.

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AssistantsBuilding / IFC Building ManagerFloor plan entryLink IFC Architecture...

Selected IFC file

Displays the path to the linked IFC file you selected when you started the Link IFC Architecture... command.

Path of the converted file that will be linked

Displays the path to the DWG file that will be created from the selected IFC file and linked to the drawing. Clicking on opens the dialog for adjusting the file location and file name.

Objects to be imported

Select from the list which objects should be transferred from the IFC file to the DWG drawing. Use the button Standard to select the Basis: walls, windows, doors, ceilings, rooms, etc. in which only the basic architectural elements required for the detection are taken. Use the buttons None and All to select all objects or cancel the selection.

Import IFC zones

Activated: You can import existing IFC zones either as an apartment or as a building part.

Deactivated: existing IFC zones will not be imported.