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About the IFC Building Manager

Explains the concept of the IFC Building Manager.

The IFC Building Manager allows you to import architectures from an IFC file to create a linked DWG drawing and then analyze the building with LINEAR Building. The IFC Building Manager has three command groups that offer commands you can use for linking IFC architectures and for post-processing the building models created as a result.

After selecting the IFC file that contains the architecture to be linked, you can specify which objects of the IFC file will be imported and whether any existing IFC zones will be imported as apartments or building parts. During the import, all IFC spaces of the IFC file are taken over as rooms with the data and building parts stored in the IFC file and get a room stamp. Overlapping IFC spaces whose upper and lower edges intersect (e.g. in staircases) are merged into one room during the import.

After the import, you can view and edit any error messages, warnings and information in the report window. Since ceiling thicknesses cannot be determined from the data stored in the IFC file, you will always receive a notification about this during the import. You must specify the ceiling thicknesses in the storey table after the import. If the model contains rooms that were not defined as IFC spaces in the IFC file and were therefore not recognized as rooms during the import, you can add these rooms to your drawing afterwards. In addition, you can define shafts and edit the data of the individual rooms.

Before the building is imported with LINEAR Building, you can exclude rooms from the detection and execute a building detection in AutoCAD to check the building structure of the model and make adjustments if necessary.

The import of the building with LINEAR Building is carried out. If a building model contains components consisting of materials that were not defined in the IFC file, these components are created as pseudo components in LINEAR Building. You can then assign a U-value to these pseudo-components in LINEAR Building or define the layered structure of the components.