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Assigning Connections to User Components

Shows step-by-step how to assign connections to non LINEAR components.

Before you begin

You would like to use a component that does not come from the LINEAR libraries and you would like to assign connections to this component.


The component should be placed in the origin of the drawing to facilitate the placement of the connections.

Navigate to:

Assistants3D Construction3D Piping


  1. Open the drawing with the component.
  2. Place all drawing elements on layer 0 and activate the layer.
  3. Open the LINEAR Configuration and deactivate the layer manager in the General tab.
  4. Navigate to AssistantsTrade/3D PipingPipes.
  5. Click Create component connector < and place the connector at the first component connector.
    Attention: The connector knows only the object snap Center.
    Attention: The z-axis of the connector has always to point in the direction of connection.
  6. If necessary, rotate the placed connector with the 3DROTATE command to align the z-axis in the direction of the connector.
  7. Place all connections for the component as described.


The component has connections that can be made connectable for the pipe or duct construction in the next step using the Edit component connector < command.