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Reworking the Dimensioned Radiators for a Room

Shows step-by-step how to check the radiators or cooling convectors after a quick dimensioning and rework radiators or cooling convectors in the less favorably designed rooms.

Before you begin

You would like to rework radiators or cooling convectors of unfavorably designed rooms in detail.


You have already carried out a quick dimensioning.

Navigate to:

Module overviewRadiators/Cooling convectorsProject levelRadiators/Cooling convectorsProject overview


  1. In the project overview, check the designed radiators or cooling convectors in fields marked red.

    Fields marked in red indicate that a value determined during automatic dimensioning, such as the target capacity or mass flow, is not sufficient or that limit values are exceeded.

  2. Change the height or depth of the radiator or cooling convector, for example, until there is no more red marking in the project view.
  3. If necessary, replace radiators or cooling convectors by clicking in the model name column on the button and selecting a different radiator or cooling convector. LINEAR Building Outputs a dialog, in which you have to decide whether you would like to replace all radiators or cooling convectors with the newly selected model.