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Determining the Connecting Set and Connection Location

Shows step-by-step how to select a connection set for a selected radiator or cooling convector model series. The connecting set appears in the parts list during the pipe network calculation.

Before you begin

You would like to define the Connection set presettings for a model series.


You have already preselected a radiator or cooling convector model series.

Navigate to:

Module overviewRadiators/cooling convectorsProject levelRadiator preselection/cooling convector preselection


  1. In the preselection, select the model series for which you would like to select a connection set.
  2. Click the Connecting set button.

    The Connecting set specifications dialog opens.

  3. Select manufacturer, pipe system, connection and connecting set. Manufacturers are only available if corresponding product data sets with suitable pipe systems have been installed and licensed. Not all pipe systems include connecting sets.
  4. Determine the connection location.

    For VDI radiators or cooling convectors, the connection location depends on the model.

    For BDH radiators or cooling convectors, the selection of the connection location depends on the connection. Sets the location of the connection in the graphic on the right side. Click a connection with the left mouse button to select the connection for the supply water and click on the connection with the right mouse button to select the connection for the return water.

  5. Click OK.

What to do next

Now set the design target and specify the design settings.