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Details on Radiator and Cooling Convector Dimensioning

Information at the Radiator dimensioning or Cooling convector dimensioning section in radiator or cooling convector dimensioning.

You get to the Radiator dimensioning or Cooling convector dimensioning by selecting a room in the building structure. The section shows the dimensioning data of the marked room and allows to dimension the room with radiators or cooling convectors. If a design has already been completed, in the bottom section of the dialog, the table lists the designed radiators or cooling convectors. You can create new radiators or cooling convectors with F5 or with a mouse click in a free line of the table.

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Module overviewRadiators/Cooling convectorsRoom levelRadiator dimensioning/Cooling convectors dimensioning

General room data




Shows the number of the room.


Shows the name of the room.

Room temperature

Shows the room temperature of the room.


Shows the external dimensions of the room.


Shows the internal dimensions of the room.

Opens the dialog Room data, which allows you to edit the data of the room.

Design data




Shows the heating or cooling load of the room in Watts. The proposed value comes either from the heat load or cooling load calculation or, if no detailed heat or cooling load has been calculated, from the area of the room and the selected approximate capacity of the building type in the Approximate heat load or Approximate cooling load dialog. By clicking you open the dialog Approximate heat load or Approximate cooling load, where you can choose between default values of different building types.



Defines the desired heating or cooling load for this room. If the same room is also equipped with a panel cooling or heating system, you can specify a reduced capacity for the design of the radiators here.

Parapet height

Defines the desired parapet height for this room. The maximum height of the radiator or cooling convector results from the parapet height in the automatic dimensioning, unless otherwise set in the Dimensioning options.

Installation reduction dimension

Defines the space to be left free on the right and left of the radiator when installing radiators or cooling convectors in a recess, e.g. for the connections and the valve. The proposed value in this case is 250 mm. The maximum length is then calculated from the window width minus the installation reduction dimension.


Shows the capacity of a potentially existing panel heating or cooling system.


Shows the capacity of all radiators or cooling convectors in the room.


Shows the shortage or surplus to the heating or cooling load for the room.

Pipe run-temperature

Shows the supply and return temperatures for dimensioning.

Model series and design mode



Model series

Shows the current model. Click to open the list of all models selected in the preselection. Click … Add further radiators… or … Add further cooling convectors… to open the dialog where you can add further radiators or cooling convectors to the list.

Dimensioning option

Opens the Radiator dimension limits and dimensioning options to be applied dialog, in which you specify the radiator dimensions and dimensioning options for the radiators and cooling convectors to be designed.

Radiator design/cooling convector design table

The following table describes the radiator or cooling convector dimensioning parameters. Use the button on the right side of the dialog to control which parameters the dialog displays.

By clicking you have the possibility to copy the contents of the table with or without column heading and paste it into Excel.

If you have selected individual rows or cells, you can copy the selected data with the key combinations Ctrl+C (with column heading) or Ctrl+Shift+C (without column heading) and paste it into Excel, for example.




Shows the sequence number of a room.

Pipe run no.

Specifies the pipe run and, if necessary, the manifold to which a radiator or cooling convector is assigned. Enter the desired value to change the pipe run. Double-click or clicking opens the dialog to select another pipe run, create a new pipe run or rename a pipe run.

No. of radiators/cooling convectors

Specifies how many radiator or cooling convector models with the same configuration are designed in the room.


Shows the window of a room. If there is a detailed calculation for a room with window areas, the dimensions of the window are taken into account in the design, unless this has been changed in the Dimensioning options. If the building has previously been created and recorded with the building manager in CAD, the radiators or cooling convectors are automatically placed below non_floor to celling windows when drawing.

Click to open the Select cold area dialog, where you can select the window areas belonging to the radiator or cooling convector. Only those windows that have not yet been assigned a radiator or cooling convector are listed. By default, the window length is transferred to the WW field and is used as the maximum length for the radiator or cooling convector, minus the installation reduction dimension.

To ensure a radiator or cooling convector is not oriented to the window when dimensioning and drawing, you can cancel the window assignment in the Select cold area dialog. The radiator or cooling convector can then be placed anywhere when drawing. If a radiator or cooling convector has been drawn automatically and you draw the same radiator or cooling convector again, this radiator or cooling convector will no longer automatically be placed below the window; rather, you can place it anywhere.


Defines the window width. If window dimensions are available from the detailed heat or cooling load calculation, the maximum length of the radiator or cooling convector is proposed accordingly, unless this has not been modified in the Dimensioning options. The maximum length is calculated from the window width minus the installation reduction dimension.

If no detailed heating or cooling load calculation is available and therefore no window areas have been entered, a window width can still be taken into account when dimensioning the radiators. You enter the window width at the Storey Overview and Quick Dimensioning page. This value is 1000 mm by default.


Defines the reduced capacity of a radiator or cooling convector. The reduced capacity is caused by installation in a recess or by the cladding of a radiator or cooling convector. The reduced capacity is entered as a percentage. After leaving the field with Tab or Enter, the actual return water temperature and the mass flow rate is adjusted accordingly.


Indicates the desired radiator or cooling convector output. If the same room is also equipped with a panel heating or cooling system, you can specify a reduced capacity for the design here. Double-clicking, pressing F8 or using takes you to the Radiator selection or Cooling convector selection dialog, in which you can select a radiator or cooling convector from the current record manually.


Shows the radiator height determined automatically during dimensioning. You can also determine the radiator height manually. The value will be displayed in bold and thus fixed. If you subsequently redesign the radiator or cooling convector, only the other dimensions within the dimensioning options will vary. This may result the desired target capacity is not reached or is exceeded to far. In this case, the Phi-actual field, which shows the capacity of the radiator, is highlighted in color and a message is displayed in the log.


Shows the radiator length determined automatically during dimensioning. You can also determine the radiator height manually. The value will be displayed in bold and thus fixed. If you subsequently redesign the radiator or cooling convector, only the other dimensions within the dimensioning options will vary. This may result the desired target capacity is not reached or is exceeded to far. In this case, the Phi-actual field, which shows the radiator or cooling convector capacity, is highlighted in color and a message is displayed in the log.


Shows the radiator depth determined automatically during dimensioning. You can also determine the radiator depth manually. The value will be displayed in bold and thus fixed. If you subsequently redesign the radiator or cooling convector, only the other dimensions within the dimensioning options will vary. This may result the desired target capacity is not reached or is exceeded to far. In this case, the Phi-actual field, which shows the radiator or cooling convector capacity, is highlighted in color and a message is displayed in the log.

With a double-click, with the F8 key or via you open a list with the available radiator types of the selected radiator or cooling convector.

Blower level

Shows the blower level. Depending on the model, different blower speeds are available for convectors with blowers. You can restrict the blower levels for the dimensioning in the dimensioning options. With a higher blower level you achieve a higher heating or cooling capacity. However, the mass flow rate and noise level also increase.


Determines, for models that can be used for heating and cooling, whether the dimensioning should be exclusively for heating or cooling, or only primarily for heating or cooling. If you choose the setting Heating prior, the system can also be used for cooling, but the system is designed to be optimized for heating. If you choose the setting Heating only, the capacity is not used to cover the cooling load. The valve settings are then optimized for the respective case.

Model name

Shows the designed model including type and dimensions. If you added other radiators to the radiator preselection, you can use the button to select another model.

If you have set the dimensions manually in the table, the new model series will try to find a radiator or cooling convector that is as close as possible to the dimensions. The current dimensioning options of the new model are taken into account.

Diff. temp. fix

Switches for one or all radiators or cooling convectors between the global settings Differential temperature fix, heat capacity is determined (check mark is set) and Heat capacity fix, differential temperature is determined (check mark is not set). Clicking in a line changes the setting for this radiator or cooling convector only. Clicking in the column header switches the setting for all radiators or cooling convectors.


Specifies that the dimensions of a radiator or cooling convector should be determined manually. The fields RH, RL and RD are then fixed and the values are displayed in bold. The radiator or cooling convector is then no longer taken into account in a redesign.

If you select a radiator or cooling convector in the Radiator selection for a target capacity of (...) W or Cooling convector selection for a target capacity of (...) W dialog, which you can open via the ϕ-target W field, the checkmark for manual selection is set automatically.


Shows the location of connection of a radiator or cooling convector. Click to open the dialog that allows you to change the connections, the location of connections and the connection. The LC column then shows an abbreviation that allows you to identify the settings. The abbreviation EFU, for example, indicates the connection position EF and the connection below.

A different dialog is opened depending on whether the model is a VDI or BDH model.


Shows the actual radiator or cooling convector output.


Shows the calculated return water temperature.

The return water temperature is variable at the radiator or cooling convector and is always determined depending on the desired capacity. This results in a mass flow rate which has to be adjusted via the control valve. For radiators, the calculated return water temperature is usually lower than the desired return water temperature (radiator has overcapacity). If the radiator capacity of the largest possible radiator according to the specifications for the construction height and window width is not sufficient for the desired heating load, the program tries to raise the return water temperature within practical limits.

If you have selected the Differential temperature fixed, heating output is calculated option or, for cooling convectors, theDifferential temperature fixed, cooling output is calculated, the indicated return water temperature will be identical to that for the pipe run return water temperature.


Shows the mass flow rate of a radiator or cooling convector. In the Radiator preselection or Cooling convector preselection dialog, you can define the minimum and a maximum mass flow rate for a radiator or cooling convector. If these values are fallen short of (minimum mass flow rate) or exceeded (maximum mass flow rate), the field is highlighted in color and an error message is output in the log.


Shows the calculated sound pressure level when using fan convectors.


Indicates an error.